Rad sa nazivom 'What if you only had 1.25$ a day?' iz Žitorađe je izabran za jedan od 10 najboljih inovacija u oblasti 'Finansijske veštine za mlade' od strane @HundrEDorg organizacije iz Finske, koja traži i promoviše najbolje inovacije u obrazovanju širom sveta.
Zahvalna sam svojim učenicima, kolegama i nastavnicima iz raznih zemalja sa kojima sam sjajno saradjivala na projektima tokom prethodnih godina, kao i Centar za promociju nauke iz Beograda, koji je prepoznao medju prvima ovaj rad i podrzao nas. Hvala svima na inspiraciji i podršci! _________________________________________________ Innovation recognized in the HundrED Spotlight on Youth Financial Skills in partnership with OP: What if you only had $1.25 a day? from Zitoradja, Serbia I'm thankful to my students, colleagues and teachers from around the world for great collaboration on common projects in past few years. Thank you all for inspiration and support! [HundrED is a not-for-profit organization that discovers and researches inspiring innovations in K12 education. HundrED’s goal is to help improve education and inspire a grassroots movement through encouraging pedagogically sound, ambitious innovations to spread across the world] https://hundred.org/.../what-if-you-only-had-1-25-a-day |
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